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How to Give Back to Your Community This Christmas Season

Hi friends, You know that Christmas song where it goes "SO it is Christmas; and what have you done?" I think about that each year... sometimes we get to focused on our own day to day lives that unless we really make doing good a priority and part of our routine then it can fall through the cracks... if you are looking (like me) for some ways to do some good during the Christmas season then here are a few ideas. Here are some free ways you can give back to your community this Christmas: Donate your time: Volunteer at a local soup kitchen, food bank, or homeless shelter. Your time and effort can make a big difference in someone's life during the holiday season. Even better: commit to give an hour of your time each week throughout the year!
Send Christmas cards to your neighbors.
Give a compliment: Compliment someone on the street, in the grocery store, or at the mall. A kind word can brighten someone's day and spread holiday cheer. I love complimenting strangers on the street and seeing their face light up!
Pay it forward: Buy a cup of coffee or a meal for the person behind you in line. You never know how much a small act of kindness can impact someone's day. Some people I follow even buy those online starbucks gift cards and post it on their stories for others to use until it runs out :)
Donate food: Clean out your pantry and donate non-perishable food items to a food bank or soup kitchen. Especially now more families than ever are having a hard time getting good nutritious groceries so if you are able to help out that is an excellent thing to do.
Spread joy: Write a heartfelt letter to someone who may need a pick-me-up this holiday season, or put together a care package for someone in need. I know someone in my mother-in-law's bible study dropped off an amazing lasagna and it really blessed the whole family.
Give blood: Blood donations are always needed, especially during the holidays. You can help save a life by giving blood.
Offer help: Help a neighbor shovel snow, run errands, or with other tasks. One of our neighbours was shovelling his driveway and then saw me doing my own and ran over to help me out even though we had never talked before. I will always remember how kind that was of him!
Support a local charity: Donate your gently used clothing or toys to a local charity organization. Or become a monthly donor -- if you can afford a monthly Netflix subscription you can afford a monthly charity donation. Cam and I personally love giving to kids overseas but lately I have been looking more into human trafficking's organizations here like Ally Global.
Spend time with the elderly: Visit a nursing home and spend time with residents, play games, or just listen to their stories.
Donate your skills: If you have a skill, such as cooking, photography, or writing, offer to donate your services to a local charity or non-profit organization. Remember, even small acts of kindness can have a big impact on someone's life. This holiday season, spread love and kindness in your community and bring a smile to someone's face. Connect With Me | It's not a conversation until you join in Instagram: @Samantha.Twist Youtube: Samantha Twist  Facebook: Samantha Twist Blog Pinterest: Samantha Twist Blog Twitter: @TwistSamantha Podcast: Twist Talks Candles:

How to Give Back to Your Community This Christmas Season
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