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  • Samantha

Silk Peel: What you need to know

Hi Friends!

Interested in getting a silk peel? Read more below

Do you know what I do for a job? Im a social media manager at a digital marketing agency which means I have a wide array of clients that I need to learn all about and listen to the questions from the community. So I learnt a lot about silk peels during our photoshoot at Michaud's.

What are the benefits?

What are the benefits of a Microdermabrasion Silkpeel? Glad you asked 😉! 💎 Minimizes fine lines and wrinkles 💎 Fast and effective ‑ 30 min 💎 No downtime 💎 Immediate results. The skin is more resilient, fresh, and radiant. 💎 Complete skin rejuvenation 💎 Treats acne 💎 Better product absorption

How does it work?

A SilkPeel treatment can also be used on any area of the skin. This innovative new technology promotes the reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, minor scars, acne, stretch marks, and sun damage. It also regenerates the epidermal cell structure resulting in skin elasticity and more youthful, pliable, smooth skin

What about after the treatment? After treatment you may resume your normal duties with no effects. At the end of the procedure, there is a glass container that will contain the extracted material. As ugly as it seems, you get to see the bang you got for your money! No superficial cleansers.... JUST 👏 REAL 👏 RESULTS 👏!

Here is a close up of Michaud's silk peel tool ^^^: a vortex vacuum that sucks the junk out of your skin and then adds serum to hydrate.

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